Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Getting more than you'd hoped for!

I love my dear Kindle (which is named Starbuck, out of interest - I name everything I own) deeply, but occasionally it leads me into unexpected waters. I downloaded the sample chapter of Rob Lowe's new book to have something to listen to whilst cleaning the bathroom (the glamour!) and then, once I'd finished that, as with every single sample chapter I have downloaded, I went and accidentally bought it, instead of going back to the home screen.

As it happens, I am more than pleased by this. One of my all-time favourite films is The Outsiders - not hugely surprising if you know me - and for the multiple chapters on the auditions and filming process of this alone I'm more than glad to have happened upon it! It's incredibly exciting and cheering to find that something you love was important enough to the people who made it that they remember, and are happy to detail, everything about it at any point. I hope he's going to talk about The West Wing this much! For a book I was really just 'passing by' I've certainly had far more than my money's worth already, with a good six hours of listening already under my belt, and half the book still to go. So that's today's joy really - the time when you unexpectedly happen upon something and it turns out to be exactly what you needed to fill in all the gaps in your knowledge, matches your interests perfectly, and makes your day!

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