Wednesday, June 15, 2011

When Technology and Nature Collide

I have failed to make proper maintenance of this blog already! Partly as I've been busy, blowing bubbles in the rain and eating Eton mess and wrapping presents and talking nonstop, partly because the camera on my BlackBerry has broken and I am furiously cross about this, but convinced that it will somehow sort itself out eventually!

It was my partner's birthday last week, and we had a small, quiet, family-type gathering and mostly played with a bubble set I bought for pence, and ate lots of little tiny party-type things. It was delightful. It was handily accompanied by the Canadian Grand Prix which, oh-so-kindly, decided to go on forEVER, just for us :) I was sorry for Vettel, but, since Jensen Button did those Head & Shoulders ads (WINNING!) and since I discovered he has a tattoo of an actual button, I've come to rather like him, and it was quite the drive, anyone must concede.

Anyway, it was a gorgeous day, made even better by the heavy, heavy rain. I love the rain so very much. It's been the driest year for a century, or something like that, so far, and you could really feel it, so to have the weather break, even for just a day, was perfect. To commemorate its awesome, have the last picture I managed to take before my phone realised it didn't want to be out in the rain!

Like bubbles, in the rain.

I have also been back to see X-Men twice more, as James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender are, shall we say, right up my street, and I can't quite get enough of the whole shape and feel of the film. Sidebar: The music  during the Big Action Sequence At The End sounds a lot like Quadrophenia - this took me a lot of thinking to work out, but that's what it is.

Accordingly, last night we watched Penelope which I had seen before, but had failed to delight in as extensively as I did last night (I didn't realise it was a Reese Witherspoon-driven project; she goes much up in my estimation for this) and the night before, the wonder and perfection that is Inglourious Basterds (2-Disc Special Edition) [Blu-ray] (okay, the UK Blu-Ray only has one disc, I now feel like I'm missing out a lot). I remember rambling extensively at the esteemed Mr Heath Solo for his The Film List podcast what must be 18 months or more ago about my love of this film, and it has only grown since. The languages, Christoph Waltz, Melanie Laurent, the colours, the references, the detail, the everything. Plus being able to put two and two together and work out where I'd previously fallen in love with Fassbender, whose part in this is so glorious, it feels like a film in itself.

I've always liked to fall for actors/actresses, more than most other kinds of human, for the sake of their back catalogues. In this case, strangely, I seem to own most of their previous films, including a lot that I've bought god only knows when, and left still in their plastic on the shelves. Next on the list: FISH TANK (2009) and Atonement (Full Screen Edition) - which seem like as good a double-billed night in as any..!

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